Re: [voidlinux/void-packages] Package Request: Syncthing service (#6314)

Toyam Cox at Fri, 13 Apr 2018 13:07:50 +0000 (UTC)
`void-install-user-sv syncthing` or something like that?
go2null at Sat, 28 Jul 2018 18:55:02 -0700
lemmi at Sun, 29 Jul 2018 03:07:32 -0700
```If a user wants to use the syncthing service for multiple users they would have to copy the whole directory and fix the supervise symlinks. (Otherwise the two services conflict and only one really starts)``` @Duncaen syncthing doesn't really support multiple users without running under different ports. This requires another approach entirely. @go2null huh. that's good to know. maybe we can just install a service as an example that need to be copied by the user.