Re: [voidlinux/void-packages] Package Request: Wire Messenger (#6405)

Anachron at Mon, 15 May 2017 22:45:35 -0700
Don't we have a rule against webbased "packaged" apps?
silvernode at Tue, 16 May 2017 05:07:25 -0700
I've been out of the loop for awhile to be honest and haven't taken time to read any "new" guidelines/rules so I apologize for not following them. Electron applications get a lot of negative feedback across the internet I've noticed. I actually have less respect for wire now that I know they use Electron. Wire is a great messaging tool but..Electron? Was it the easy way out for them?
Jannis Christ at Mon, 29 May 2017 11:30:51 -0700
I think Electron is just extremely hyped. They fetch huge prebuilt binaries from the internet while building. However, there are quiet easy alternatives to bring web apps to desktop (and package them correctly), for example with [Qt QML Webviews](