Unfortunately that's the new normal for travis builds. I never could reproduce locally. Currently running test builds locally. @duncaen managed to get a coredump but that wasn't really enlightening on whats happening.
The `proot-x86_64` which `common/travis/prepare.sh` downloads is version 5.1.0 (`strings proot-x86_64`), same a our proot pkg. No update since Dec, 18 2014.
Perhaps we can create a `xbps-uchroot-x86_64` static executable and use that instead of proot?
> Perhaps we can create a `xbps-uchroot-x86_64` static executable and use that instead of proot?
Not sure if the kernel used on travis has the required options enabled.
True. There are some [PRs pending for proot](https://github.com/proot-me/PRoot/pulls) and specifically https://github.com/proot-me/PRoot/pull/91 looks like it would fix a bug that could cause such problems.
Are the kernel config options accessible for a user somehow? Then we could print info about the (non-)existance of `CONFIG_NAMESPACES, CONFIG_IPC_NS, CONFIG_PID_NS, CONFIG_UTS_NS` in setup.sh or even decide whether or not to use xbps-uchroot.